

How do I submit a purchase request?


We welcome your suggestions for new items to add to the ANU Library collection. Remember to check the Library Catalogue before making a request as the item may already be in the library collection.

How to fill in the form

  1. You will find the purchase request form by clicking on the ellipsis at the top of the Primo search page.
  2. The menu will display all options - select Purchase Request to open a form.
  3. Make sure you are logged in and then fill in the form with as many details as you can - this will help library staff find purchasing options, and make decisions on whether the acquisition will proceed.  


For teaching staff:

If you are an academic or teaching a course please add details about the number of students taking the course (this will determine how many copies or user license the library should purchase), the course code, and tick the box indicating if it will be required for Course Reserve.


Created date: Mar 20, 2024

Date of last update: May 06, 2024

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